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1、日圆月圆天圆地也圆,人圆梦圆事业更圆,梦圆情圆家圆爱情圆,财圆志圆达也圆。祝您元宵节团团圆圆,幸福美满! The sky and the earth round full moon, people read a dream career more round, the dream feeling round round round, love wealth round tzu round and round。 I wish you the Lantern Festival reunion of happiness!

2、幸福汤圆一入口,健康快乐常陪伴。 Happy dumplings are always accompanied by health and happiness.

3、正月十五月儿圆啊,祝福的话倍儿甜啊,愿你漂亮一年胜一年呀,好运好事常连连啊,元宵节快乐!The fifteenth day of the moon is round, blessings are sexy sweet ah, I wish you a beautiful year - a year ah, good luck often repeatedly, happy Lantern Festival!

4、在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆! On the eve of the Lantern Festival, I wish you peace, happiness and happiness. Everything is round!

5、正月十五月儿圆,月儿代表我的心!让明月捎去我对你的祝福:元宵节快乐!The fifteenth day of the moon is round, the moon represents my heart! Let the moon take my blessing to you: happy Lantern Festival!

6、When the Lantern Festival is coming, I will send you a plate of assorted dumplings. May your life be happy, sweet, safe and healthy.

7、带着盈盈相思,带着温馨祈愿,祝福你元宵节快乐。With ying ying acacia, with warm wish, wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

8、Happy Lantern Festival! Everything goes smoothly!

9、正月十五心愿圆,祝你吉祥如意年! Wish you a happy New Year!

10、送迎,劝君更尽一杯酒,牛劲十足康乐久,牛气冲天事业久,牛郎织女爱情久,还有我这牛毛细雨般的祝福久!祝你元宵节快乐! Send welcome, advise you more as a cup of wine, bullishness is dye-in-the-wood recreation for a long time, igniting a long career, vega and love for a long time, and I the ox hair drizzle of wishes for a long time! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

11、祝愿你快乐无比,心想事成。 I wish you happiness and success.

12、元宵佳节祝福你,做个元宵送给你!滑滑的,甜甜的,对你的感情粘粘的!Make a yuanxiao Lantern Festival bless you, to you! Slippery, sweet, the feelings of the sticky to you!

13、灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝你过一个欢欢喜喜的元宵节! Beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics Coloured glaze prosperous splendid miharu Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!

14、元宵佳节给你啥?发送邮件文件夹的祝福。愿意持有你的平安,促健康,揣快乐,带来幸福,一个温暖的拥抱,甜蜜,链发财,拉鸡年吉祥,祥和的新年。 spring lantern festival will give you han? sent messages folder blessing. is willing to hold your peace, pro-health, surmise happiness, bring happiness, a warm hug, with sweet, a chain fortune, pulled auspicious, auspicious year of the rat.

15、Happy Lantern Festival, good health and all the best!

16、Live a better life and make a better career.

17、元宵佳节不送礼,发条短信祝福你:健康快乐永远与你,好运和你不分离,最后让我告诉你,财源滚滚进腰包给你的所有好处。元宵节快乐! spring lantern festival is not gifts, clockwork sms bless you: a healthy and happy a lways with you, good luck and you do not separate, finally let me tell you that money rolling into the pocket to give you all the benefits. happy lantern festival!

18、祝愿你:春去秋往万事胜意,山高水长终有回甘。元宵快乐! I wish you: spring to autumn to win everything, mountains and rivers, there will be a return to Gan. Happy Lantern Festival!
